Sunday, October 23, 2011

"I Am Glad I've Found You."

We dance: onstage and offstage.
We sing: sometimes for the crowd, sometimes for ourselves.
Sometimes we forget the steps.
Sometimes we forget the words.
Sometimes we forget why we perform at all.

"We could learn a lot together
Even if we're not together.
I am glad I've found you.
The ether lay us out together
I prefer the darker weather
I want my arms around you."

Friday, October 14, 2011

Being Sick

is weird. I keep changing perspectives.

You know that feeling when you catch a smell and you're taken back to the way you felt back when?
It's like that, but all the time.
And each time things look and feel different.

Although, being delirious because you're sick is TONS of fun.