Friday, September 24, 2010

I Have Changed My Answer

As a "get to know you" activity in my American Heritage lab, our TA handed out differently wrapped kisses, and depending on the color we got, we had to answer a question. If I remember correctly, mine was gold, which was the question, "If you could get paid to do anything, what would you do?" My answer was nondescript and common, but I just realized I would change it.
I want to walk the world and watch people, to learn how they work. I want to ask them questions about how they think and what they would do in given situations. I want to find the sad and lonely ones, and hug them. I want to be paid to make people happy.
That is my answer.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE that answer - you could become a motivation speaker!! :-) What a good goal to want to hug said people and bring happiness!!

    No matter what you do - you can make the people you come in contact with at work happier and glad you are part of the team - so in essence that would be getting paid for making people happy!!
